Become a Money Wise Woman in 6 Simple Steps
The question I get asked most often is, “What exactly is a moneywise woman and can you really become one in just six steps?”
The short answer is a moneywise woman is someone who puts her money to work for her so she can eventually work less or not at all. And, YES it can happen with just six steps. I’ve seen it happen over and over again.
The Ability to Stick to a Plan
MoneyWise women succeed, not so much because of their money skills, but because of their ability to create a plan and stick to it. This is a critical part of the process.
It Really Can Happen With Just 6-Steps
In my book, Become a Money Wise Woman in 6 Simple Steps: Even if You’re Not Good at Math, I take the reader on an interactive journey to becoming a moneywise woman and financial freedom. The book also includes a downloadable journal to post your thoughts and complete the exercises as you go through the book so you can can have the start of a workable plan for your personal journey.
The moneywise journey starts with your vision for your future. And, for some this is actually the most difficult part of the process. I believe many find this step so difficult because it requires you to envision something you want to occur in the future, and that can be a challenge—especially if you aren’t really clear about what you want in the present. Second, if you have tried to succeed at something important in the past and failed, it may be difficult to see why this time might be different. Even though we’re not worried about the how at this point, it still requires you to take a leap of faith, to believe, at least on some level, that all or some of what you want can actually happen. But it is essential to determine some basics before you move on because everything else builds on this step.
“A MoneyWise Woman can predict the future because she creates it!”